Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thing 4 -- RSS

Okay. I had a little trouble with the RSS feeds. I had a lot of feeds on my Bloglines site that I don't think I asked for. But I figured out how to delete the extras.
I added a couple of 23 Things blogs, some news and book oriented subscriptions and one blog that I found about Hickory, NC, just for the fun of it.
If your wondering about the frog, I just thought it was pretty.
I got it from Flickr, the photographer is Maytevidri.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Thing 3 : Blog seeking

I tried a number of the search engines and was able to fine useful stuff on all, except for Sphere (I couldn't figure out HOW to search in Sphere). And the search results in Technorati were a bit skimpy, but I'll try again, because I found out belatedly that the search does not default to blogs but to something else. I think I liked Google the best.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Hey! This is just a little yada for the heck of it. I needed to book an after-hour meeting, which means booking a security guard for the evening. I sent the email to "security", which is in our email address book, and to the security manager email address I found in our online rolodex. This rolodex is shared by the whole library district. Apparently, this particular bit of the rolodex had not been updated in years! Our raggedy paper rolodex had the correct email address, so I was able to fix this goof, just in the nick of time.
So...the moral of this story : all the online and techno-whatever is really great, if it is as up-to-date and easy to get to as...our raggedy paper rolodex.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Thing 2 : Library 2.0

Okay. so Library 2.0 is a snazzy name for outreach via technology. Great idea and a necessary one, but I do wonder if we aren't mostly ahead of the curve by years. What percentage of library users are jumping into this pool? I think the group that we are mentoring right now, the youngun's, will be the first regular (keyword is regular) users of virtual library service.

Right now, however, I think we can feel pretty good about the numerous patrons that have learned to place their own holds and check their own accounts at their own convenience.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Thing 1 : Whew! One down.

Well, on the "name your url page" I kept getting an error. I tried, oh, I don't know, maybe 8 or 10 times. But here I am, blogging my first blog. I am curious about all this, the 23 things, though finding time during the day may be a problem.