Tuesday, February 24, 2009

THING 9- sharing photos, ect.

Well, a picture's worth a thousand words, especially if no one is taking the time to read the words. I could see the use of a button on a library webpage that says " show me how to place a hold" and then launches into a slideshow that actually shows the steps. Maybe another that says "how do I search the catalog?" or "What's a database and how do I use it?"

Monday, February 23, 2009

Thing 8 - IMs

I used Google talk to IM with a co-worker. I did have to download the tool to do it with.

I like the idea of web conferencing instead of going to meetings. Meetings take up alot of time, and if you can "go to it", while staying at your branch, seems like that's a winner.

I once tried Second Life (very briefly) and you are basically IMing with the virtual folks around you. I like this form of communication. In earlier times, I liked writing letters much better than talking on the phone, but this probably indicates that I may be a slow IMer, since I prefer to consider my words and do rewrites. IM seems to have a pretty quick receive and respond rythm to it.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Thing 7 -continued

I was about to dig into my Mighty Morphin Power Pancakes when I noticed something a little odd... Jimmy Durante's grinning mug staring up from my plate. Was this a message from, from ....someone, I don't know who -- telling me that I was supposed to... to... do something important? Or was this the result of one too many late nights, two too many early mornings, and maybe three or twenty-three too many things on my plate?

What to do with this pancake? Eat it or sell it on ebay?

There's an ancient chinese proverb that I like to think about at a time like this. When in the rain, be wet. When at the Pancake Palace, well, you get the picture. As Jimmy liked to to say, "Goodnight Mrs. Calabash, where ever you are."

created using : [ Miracle Maker ] from the Generator Blog

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thing 7 - Stars in my Eyes

Okay-- the comments you see below in green refer to a neat little photo of a galaxy and words that come zooming up "TWENTY-THREE BILLION THINGS". I've sent various forms of it to my blog about 4 0r 5 times. It's there and then it's gone. Very frustrating!

This is kinda neat.

The main use I can find for a toy such as this on a library page is to simply catch someone's attention. Wave your arms, jump up and down and then -- show them something that you really want them to see.
ImageChef.com Poetry Blender

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Thing 6 -I LOVE

This gorgeous photo is Ferret Heart by بني جان . No, I can't pronouce it.
The url for it is: http://flickr.com/search/?q=ferrets&page=2
This thing was fun and fairly easy, up to the part where I was trying to "blog this". Then it failed. Then in trying to get back to where I was -- I lost it -- and had to redo it a couple of times. I finally put it on my desktop and then, using Picasa, uploaded it which worked fine.

I found the gadgets in flickr interesting and the possibilities for endless fiddling enormous.

Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Thing 5 -flickr

I uploaded this from our photo archive, which is a shared folder, to flickr and from flickr to this blog.

The picture is a bulletin board I did a couple of years ago.

Regarding flickr, I found it a little frustrating. When you are doing things right, you expect it to work. Flickr seems to work sometimes and sometimes, not. I can see its usefulness and potential and I enjoyed looking a the many interesting and/or beautiful photos.

I tagged this photo and this post "Alachua Branch displays".

ALA Displays 001
Originally uploaded by rstarnes2002