Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Thing 17 -- Podcasts

I added Dan Carlin's Hardcore History to my bloglines account. Also, The Word Nerds, just for fun. I own an MP3 player that I have never used. Maybe it's time.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Thing 16 --Youtube

I'm mad about Hugh Laurie and here's your chance to more fully appreciate him.

It took about 7 or so tries to import this youtube. I succeeded when I used the pull down menu to paste instead of ctrl + v.

Thing 15 - Rollyo

Rollyo: Roll Your Own Search Engine

The Rollyo I made is called A Better Place. I included alot of the sites I use when I am once again attempting to find paradise. Rollyo doesn't really work for this, however, because you can't really search Homes.com and epodunk.com at the same time. Does not compute.

But I could see combining more typical sites for a search, say sites on native plants or wildflowers.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Thing 14 -- Online productivity tools

I created my home or "start page" at iGoogle. This way I could check my gmail along with everything else. I added quote gadgets and beach scenes and deleted soduko and an obsolete feed.
I would need to be on the computer more than I am to make on online "to do" list maker handy for me.
Weirdly enough, I used Zamzar a few days ago, after spending an hour trying to remember it's name. I have since put it under my favorites. It's an extremely useful gadget that I don't use often. But when you need it, it's a miracle worker.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Thing 13 - Library Thing

I like Library Thing. My husband and have a lot of books and it would be cool to have the collection cataloged. I'll have to get a scanner. I opened a Library Thing account and added some books.

Library local mentioned one happening: Alachua County Library District Headquarters: Comics for Everyone: Drawing with Matt Madden (March 19 at 7:00pm)
Matt Madden promotes Black Candy, Odds Off, A Fine Mess.

I wish I had more time to think about all this, but I don't...

Monday, March 9, 2009

Thing 12 - wikis

I posted on the NEFLIN 23 Things Wiki. I didn't have anything to say so I offered a quote.
I do like what I learned from the Common Craft video. A wiki is a good place to meet and plan something.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


While an editor may not be choosing and slanting the content of the news on Reddit or Newsvine, the readers certainly are. I prefer clicking on a variety of news sites in my effort to get the "whole story". These sites are useful in determining what people are interested in, but you may well get lost in all the kibitzing.

I do like Stumbleupon which is not about news, but websites that folks find interesting. This is entertainment with a side dish of information.

I did try submitting a newsarticle to Reddit, but it had already been submitted

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Thing 10 -- Delicious

Maybe Delicious is something that has to grow on you. I opened an account and put a couple of bookmarks on it just for the experience. I could picture using it constantly only if my job or hobby required a consistant set of web sources that I went to regularly and I moved from computer to computer. At our branch, we have a half dozen web sites that are needed frequently enough to put under "Favorites" -- and so far that has sufficed.
Maybe if you were, for instance, doing a newsletter-- a combination of RSS feeds and Delicious would probably make your task a bit easier, especially if you needed to work on it away from home.